The Hokuyo UAM-02LP security scanner is designed to protect areas close to production lines and to monitor vehicle pans. Using the TOF (flight time) method to measure the distance allows you to calculate the time required to return the light beam sent, after reflecting off any object in the scan range 190°. Any object or person who falls within the scope of the configured warning and safety zones will trigger a signal to stop the machine or autonomous vehicle.
Laser security scanner enables the user to easily configure safety and warning zones to meet the requirements of a variety of applications. The UAM scanner is the ideal solution for maximizing security, preserving compact dimensions and preventing any potential risky situations in the industry.
- Two-meter safety range (safety)
- 10-meter warning range
- 190ş safety angle
- Very compact design in a die-cast aluminum housing, 90 (W) x99,8 (D) x97 (H) mm
- 16 programmable areas (in software via USB)
- Built-in mute function
- Monitoring of the reference edge
- Securing the pans and workspace of AGV, AGC and autonomous robots,
- Protection of hazardous areas at entry / exit points (gates, assembly cells, feeder systems),
- Protection of machines and edges of areas near the automatic production line,