Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

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 +48 61 22 27 426

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MOBOT® TRANSPORTER U1, robot mobilny WObit z nagrodą Dobry Wzór 2021 oraz Produkt Roku 2021!


Robot mobilny MOBOT TRANSPORTER U1 został laureatem konkursu Dobry Wzór 2021 organizowany przez Instytut Wzornictwa Przemysłowego w Warszawie, otrzymał też tytuł Produkt Roku ARP 2021.

WObit is 30 years old


30 years ago in Poznań, Witold Ober founded the WObit company.We celebrate this jubilee with satisfaction and pride.After 30 years, the rich product portfolio of the innovative Polish brand consists of precise measuring devices and controllers, as well as MOBOT® autonomous mobile robots .

Digital Warehouse: Make Your Logistics More Efficient – zapraszamy na bezpłatny webinar


We wtorek 16 marca o godzinie 10:00 zapraszamy na spotkanie z ekspertami z firm WObit, ProGlove i PGS Software, którzy pokażą Ci, jak innowacje cyfrowe mogą stać się bodźcem dla rozwoju Twojej firmy.

The WObit company is the winner of the Competition for the Award of the Marshal of the Wielkopolska Region "i-Wielkopolska - Innovative for Wielkopolska" edition 2020


Firma WObit została laureatem Konkursu o Nagrodę Marszałka Województwa Wielkopolskiego „i-Wielkopolska - Innowacyjni dla Wielkopolski” edycja 2020 za robota mobilnego MOBOT® AGV FlatRunner MW Light. 

STILL Polska and WObit - partnership for automation


Dążąc do stworzenia kompleksowego portfolio rozwiązań AGV dla magazynów, STILL Polska nawiązuje współpracę z polską firmą WObit. Produkowane w wielkopolskich Dęborzycach roboty mobilne będą wykorzystywane w projektach automatyzacji u klientów STILL.

The new autonomous mobile robot MOBOT® CubeRunner MW


The WObit offer includes the new MOBOT® AGV CubeRunner MW. The new autonomous mobile robot with directional wheels is used to automate the internal transport of various loads up to 200 kg.

WObit launches MOBOT® TRANSPORTER - modern mobile transport responding to the needs of customers.


Inexpensive, easy to use and versatile, this is the new mobile robot created by WObit.

The Main Award for an Innovative Product for Logistics, Transport, Production 2019 for WObit!


WObit received the Main Award in the Innovative Product for Logistics, Transport, Production 2019 competition for the MOBOT AGV FlatRunner MW Light mobile robot.

Two awards in the WObit MOBOT Good Competition


On Thursday, October 24, the 26th Good Design 2019 Gala Competition took place at the Institute of Industrial Design in Warsaw. The MOBOT AGV FlatRunner MW mobile robot from WObit received two awards!

WObit wins the Polish Intelligent Development Award 2019!


The WObit company received the Polish Intelligent Development Award 2019 in the category Innovative technologies of the future for the implementation of projects titled "Invention of the LMS navigation system with obstacle avoidance", "Development of control for a mobile robot with Mecanum wheels" and "Design and production of the mobile robot MOBOT AGV FlatRunner MW Light".

MOBOT AGV FlatRunner MW finalist of the Good Design 2019 competition!


Robot mobilny MOBOT AGV FlatRunner MW firmy WObit został finalistą konkursu Dobry Wzór 2019 w sferze Praca.


MOBOT®AGV FlatRunner MW mobile robot awarded in the Product of the Year category for Transport and Production Logistics 2018!


The award-winning mobile robot MOBOT®AGV FlatRunner MW is used to automate internal transport and logistics.

We are mixed by diversity


WObit has joined the prestigious group of signatories of the Diversity Charter. In this way, as an employer, she expressed her support for the idea of â??â??diversity in the workplace, emphasizing the essence of this issue.

WObit gave the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland at its headquarters


On the Friday, July 27 this year the WObit company in its headquarters in Deborzyce organized an exclusive meeting of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland with the company's team and entrepreneurs from Wielkopolska, as well as local self-government.

WObit - appreciated for quality


The WObit company during the 20th edition of the Wielkopolska Award for the Quality Award received the Special Award - TARMA Pillars for many years of improvement in quality management.

Mechatronic technician in Pniewy under the patronage of WObit


On January 5, 2018, in Pniewy, a three-way patronage agreement was signed between the Pniewy Commune and the Szkoleni im. E. Sczaniecka in Pniewy and the WObit company, creating the Mechatronics Technical School in Pniewy. The signing of the contract was combined with the solemn opening of a mechatronic workshop equipped with modern equipment.

WObit is the winner in the Industry of Tomorrow category in the "i-Wielkopolska - Innovative for Greater Poland" competition


In this year's edition of the contest for the Award of the Wielkopolska Voivodship Award â i-Wielkopolska - Innovative for Wielkopolska - the WObit company took first place in the Industry of Tomorrow category. The prize was awarded for the MOBOTŽ AGV CubeRunner mobile robot belonging to the MOBOTŽ AGV mobile robot family.

The 25th anniversary of the WObit company


On December 9, 2016 at the headquarters of WObit in Deborzyce an exceptional ceremony was held to mark the celebration of the company's 25th anniversary.