TMC 428 with ramp controller for stepper motor controllers. All three engines can work independently. Enables a six-bit microchip, which gives up to 64 microths per step. It performs all critical tasks autonomously based on the position and speed of the target in real time. Included with an inexpensive microcontroller is a complete motion control system. Communicates through peripheral four-wire connections. It has a SPI interface.
General characteristics:
Control of three two-phase motors,
Four-wire interface with an easy-to-use protocol,
Configurable interface for SPI drivers,
A wide range of clock operation up to 16 MHz,
Built-in 24-bit position counter,
Reading current speed, position, acceleration parameters,
Split microcompasses from 1 to 64 for one step,
Built-in hill generator for individual position and speed control,
Power down option up to 100 ÎźA,
Work in the 3.3V to 5V range with CMOS / TTL,
Very small 16 pin construction,
Built-in start reset.
Obligatory contracts, for details, please ask for an advisor
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