Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

What technologies is the logistics industry focusing on? We invite you to ITM_talks 5

On June 8 at 11:00 am, industry experts talked about Innovation in logistics - automation and robotization in warehouses. We invite you to watch the conversation record.


 Na jakie technologie stawia branża logistyczna? Zapraszamy na ITM_talks 5

At what stage of innovation implementation are warehouses in Poland? Which activities in logistics are easily automated? What new solutions does the logistics industry need to be able to develop dynamically? These and other questions will be answered by industry experts during the upcoming 5th episode of ITM_talks, which will be devoted entirely to logistics!

The subject of the fifth meeting organized by the MTP Group was not chosen by accident, as the logistics industry is one of the most dynamically developing sectors in Poland. The COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated investments in logistics, which is confirmed by industry reports. The latest CBRE survey reports that as many as 60% of logistics companies are planning large investments this year, and the Manpower and Łukasiewicz report - Institute of Logistics and Warehousing [1] reports that three out of four companies indicate automation and robotization in warehouses, solutions in the big data area analytics and AGV autonomous trucks as the future of the industry.

ITM_talks 5 was held on June 8 at 11:00 am under the slogan Innovations in Logistics - Automation and Robotization in Warehouses.

The meeting was attended by:

     Przemysław Degórski, Development Director, WObit
     Wiktor Żuchowski, Senior Logistics Development Specialist, Łukasiewicz - Institute of Logistics and Warehousing
     prof. dr hab. Eng. Paweł Pawlewski, Faculty of Management Engineering, Institute of Logistics, Poznań University of Technology

The meeting was chaired by Krzysztof Walas, Assistant Professor, Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence, Faculty of Automatic Control, Robotics and Electrical Engineering, Poznań University of Technology.

Below is a record of the conversation.We invite you to watch.

Soon, during the MODERNLOG Logistics, Warehousing and Transport Fair (August 31 - September 3, 2021), we will talk about modern technologies in this sector live.



[1] Raport AXI IMMO; Badanie trendów 2020-2021, GS1 Polska; Raport Savillis, Effigy Consulting; Confidence Index CBRE 2021; Logistyka w Polsce, Manpower & Łukasiewicz-ILIM, 2021.


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