Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

WObit is 30 years old

30 years ago in Poznań, Witold Ober founded the WObit company. We celebrate this jubilee with satisfaction and pride.


WObit skończył 30 lat

30 years ago in Poznań, Witold Ober founded the WObit company. We celebrate this jubilee with satisfaction and pride. After 30 years, the rich product portfolio of the innovative Polish brand consists of precise measuring devices and controllers, as well as MOBOT® autonomous mobile robots.

The beginnings of an innovative company from Greater Poland

1991 was the beginning of many private companies in Poland, created by enthusiasts and dreamers. Their group undoubtedly included the late Witold Ober, who founded the WObit company in Poznań. An extraordinary story began with his passion, which influenced the current shape of the automation and robotics industry in Poland.

                                                                                            Witold Ober - założyciel firmy WObit

At a time when almost all components were missing on the market, and these were available beyond the financial reach of many engineers in Poland, Witold Ober created WObit. And began to provide but also create modern and affordable electronic control systems for drives as well as measuring devices and sensors.

In the following years, the WObit company's offer expanded, and the team of engineers co-creating the company grew. The consistent development of the range of automation components enabled the production of complete systems.

The WObit company, i.e. innovations modernizing the Polish industry

A breakthrough moment for WObit was the development of linear modules and mobile educational robots, which allowed the further development of the company towards becoming a producer of industrial robots. In 2006, a research and development department was established which initially focused primarily on educational mobile robotics and linear displacement technique. At the same time, from the very beginning, the WObit company put a strong emphasis on education and sharing knowledge, attracting automation and robotics enthusiasts. This made it possible to build a team of experts who today design and manufacture professional robots working in the industry. The conscious choice of professional robotics as the direction in which the further development of the company will follow, took place in 2010 at a difficult time for WObit, i.e. after the death of the company's founder. This direction began to resonate with the creation of the Reach for Robotics project in 2014. Its aim was and still is to show that robotics is becoming more and more accessible to people and that we also reach for it ourselves.

- We focused on mobile robotics and within a few years, we have built a whole family of MOBOT® mobile robots for automating internal transport. What is most important for us, these are robots implemented and constantly working in various industries, which have gained the recognition and trust of our clients, both international concerns and smaller, domestic enterprises - says Przemysław Degórski, development director at WObit.

Technological innovations created by WObit are recognized in the industry, as evidenced by numerous awards and certificates, including the Polish Intelligent Development Award in the Innovative Technologies of the Future category, as many as two awards in the Good Design competition organized by the Institute of Industrial Design in Warsaw, as well as the title of the laureate in the Competition for the Award of the Marshal of the Wielkopolska Region "i-Wielkopolska - Innovative for Wielkopolska" 2020 edition in the Specialized category logistic processes.

It is also worth emphasizing that, in addition to large and complex robotic and mechatronic systems, WObit is also a manufacturer of components such as encoders, motor controllers, and measuring devices. This is undoubtedly a distinguishing feature of WObit among many companies in the industry that usually remain suppliers of foreign brands, or when producing their machines and robots, use ready-made components available on the market.

MOBOT - roboty mobilne do transportu wewnętrznego

International robotic brand strategy

WObit is currently focusing on the development of cooperation with partners, developing sales in Poland and abroad, thanks to which MOBOT® mobile robots are produced in series. A team of engineers is constantly improving the technology of devices, both in terms of software as well as electronic and mechanical design, adjusting them to the needs of customers. In our applications, we are increasingly implementing artificial intelligence, which allows our robots to independently make decisions in specific situations, as well as a three-dimensional vision system that allows even more precise navigation.

We also create new models of robots, a great example of which is the latest robot - MOBOT® TRANSPORTER U1. We focused on price and functional availability - it is a device that is easy to implement and intuitive to use. By offering an easy-to-run robot that can be used by anyone without specialized skills, we also implement the Reach for Robotics slogan in practice and going even deeper, the idea of giving access to technology, present from the very beginning of the company's existence. Today, with MOBOT® TRANSPORTER U1, we enter an even wider market, making technology available not only in industry but also to other sectors of the economy.

We are united by diversity

There would be no innovative technologies or robots without the people creating WObit. An interdisciplinary team of specialists, enthusiasts with different temperaments, preferences, and experiences creates a diverse, mutually inspiring environment. In a family business like WObit, great attention is paid to values such as honesty, respect for people, and respect for diversity. From the very beginning, it is very important to promote knowledge both inside the company and to cooperate with the local and scientific community. Employees conduct lectures and workshops at universities, as well as lessons at the mechatronics technical college in Pniewy, which WObit has been co-creating since 2018.

The company supports scientific clubs and student teams in terms of content and products. For years, company has been undertaking numerous initiatives for the natural environment, education, and the local community daily. These good practices in the field of corporate social responsibility, which are an integral part of WObit's activities, were published in the 19th Report "Responsible Business in Poland 2020. Good Practices".

- For 30 years of existence on the market, we have put a lot of effort and passion into creating and delivering modern technology, educating and supporting initiatives that change our world for the better. We see that the value we give positively changes people's lives and improves the operation of many companies, which is why we want to continue creating and sharing it. It is our mission for the next 30 years - summarized Jacek Ober, co-owner of WObit.


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