Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

Thank you for meeting us at Warsaw Industry Week 2023

WObit once again took part in the Warsaw Industry Week fair, where it presented, among others: the latest mobile robot MOBOT® TRANSPORTER T15. Thank you for the meetings and inspiring conversations


Dziękujemy za spotkanie na Warsaw Industry Week 2023

The seventh edition of the Warsaw Industry Week fair took place on October 24-26 at the PTAK Warsaw Expo Trade Fair and Congress Center in Nadarzyn near Warsaw. WObit presented its offer in the automation and robotics area.

At the WObit stand, visitors could see MOBOT® mobile robots, including the latest MOBOT® TRANSPORTER T15robot in the outdoor version!

In addition to the automation and robotization of internal transport and intralogistics using robots, we also talked about the use of reliable, high-quality components from our offer, includingprecise gears from Neugart and Nabtesco< /a>, DC motors from Buehler Motor, HMI panels and servo drives from Kinco, and also precision sensors from Micro-Epsilon.

We would like to thank all visitors for their time, interesting meetings and inspiring conversations.



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