Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

WObit brings a smile to little patients

The WObit company supported the organization of the performance entitled "Tale of the Old Clock" for children from the Karol Jonscher Clinical Hospital in Poznań, staged by Teatr Za Jeden Uśmiech.


WObit niesie uśmiech małym pacjentom

When a child laughs, the whole world laughs – This quote from Janusz Korczak is not without reason on the wall of the Karol Jonscher Clinical Hospital in Poznań, because little affects the body as well as joy.

The WObit company decided to bring a bit of a smile to the everyday life of little patients from the children's ward, supporting the organization of the performance staged by the Krakow Theater for One Smile. On Monday, June 14, the artists came to children from the Poznań hospital to present a performance entitled An old clock's tale.

It tells the story of Gaudenty, who is like most adults, constantly on the run, always busy with work.However, his adventures and the characters he encounters make him aware of the strength of such values as friendship, joy, and helping the weaker.

Due to the pandemic, young viewers and their parents watched the performance in the square in front of the hospital. The MOBOT® TRANSPORTER U1 mobile robot also took part in the meeting with the children, providing small gifts for little patients.

We are glad that we were able to participate in bringing joy to the smallest. And for all those who want to slow down for a while, we recommend the radio play The Tale of the Old Clock, available at the link below.


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