Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

Control Stom 2019 - thanks for the meeting!

On March 26-28, WObit took part in the Control Stom fair in Kielce, where it presented a wide range of measuring devices and sensors.


Control Stom 2019 – dziękujemy za spotkanie!

In the spring, we started intensely - three days at the industrial trade fair Control Stom in Kielce. At the WObit stand, we presented a wide range of measuring devices and sensors.

Great interest among both adults and children was enjoyed by the demo FlexiForce pressure sensors. People would be able to check their reflexes and perceptiveness by taking part in a seemingly simple game.

Customers looking for solutions in the field of quality control and very precise measurements with a large they were getting acquainted with color sensors, confocal sensors , laser scanner and the X-Frame system consisting of two optical micrometers from Micro-Epsilon.

Demonstrated at the stand measuring devices , drivers and encoders produced by WObit fascinated the visitors.

Thank you, you were there with us.


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