Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

A new performance class for laser displacement sensors

OptoNCDT 5500 laser sensors with submicron precision and a measurement frequency of up to 75 kHz, these sensors are ideal for dynamic measurements of displacement, distance, vibration and position.


Nowa klasa wydajności laserowych czujników przemieszczenia

OptoNCDT 5500 laser sensor is available with four measuring ranges 10, 25, 100 and 200 mm. Both a standard and extended measuring range are available for each model, making the sensor particularly versatile.

The laser displacement sensor is specifically designed for measuring the displacement of light-reflecting materials and is ideal for demanding measurement tasks such as those involving rapidly changing and poorly reflective surfaces. Thanks to the adjustable measurement frequency from 0.25 to 75 kHz and a maximum power consumption of only 5 W, optoNCDT The 5500also offers high energy efficiency.

The exceptional precision of the sensor is reflected in linearity from 1.5 µm and repeatability below 0.0015%. Thanks to the IP67 protection rating, the sensor is ideal for use in harsh industrial environments. RS422 and Ethernet interfaces can be used for communication, and extension cables and adapters compatible with the energy chain are also available.

Advanced surface compensation with innovative algorithms enables quick adjustment of exposure time, enabling the sensor to obtain stable measurement results even on difficult surfaces with changing reflections. OptoNCDT 5500 sensor it is also extremely resistant to ambient light and can be used without any problems in very bright environments with ambient light intensity up to 50,000 lux.

Thanks to its compact design, the sensor can also be installed in tight spaces. The adapter plate makes it easy to change from the previous optoNCDT 2300 model to optoNCDT 5500.

Typical application areas include circuit board assembly, component positioning testing, rail wear testing in rail traffic, and thickness measurement in tire manufacturing.


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