Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

Knowledge zone

Narzędzia do kontroli i wizualizacji

Tools for control and visualization


Effective management of production processes requires the use of functional and at the same time convenient methods such as, for example, SCADA / HMI software.

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Komponenty mechaniki w ofercie WObit

Mechanics components in the WObit offer


What mechanical elements are necessary in the production of machinery and heavy equipment? WObit mainly recommends linear guides, ball screws, clamps and bearing blocks.

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Kamery termowizyjne i pirometry Micro-Epsilon

Infrared cameras and micro-Epsilon pyrometers


Control of technological processes is necessary in order to ensure their correctness and stringency. It often monitors the temperature, particularly important in the production of plastics or glass.

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Precyzyjne przekładnie cykloidalne

Precision cycloidal gears


Positioning of large masses, machining of elements or robotic applications require high precision. WObit offers excellent Nabtesco cycloidal gears.

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Wydajne napędy w przemyśle

Powerful drives in industry


Choosing the right drive means deciding which factors are the most important for us - technical parameters, controllability, communication interfaces, and maybe the price?

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Optymalizacja produkcji dzięki robotom AGV firmy WObit

Optimization of production thanks to WObit AGV mobile robots


Automatic transport robots â AGV is a solution that allows manufacturers to keep their investment costs at an optimum level, as well as ensuring the necessary flexibility and ease of implementation.

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Wydajne narzędzia do zbierania i analizy danych

Efficient tools for collecting and analyzing data


WObit proposes a wide range of measuring equipment in-house, as well as the PcVue SCADA system for data collection and analysis.

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Skanery Hokuyo zapewniają bezpieczeństwo

Hokuyo scanners provide security


The increasing requirements for machine safety enforce the implementation of effective tools to provide it. WObit proposes the use of laser safety scanners.

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