Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

Happy Easter!

Have a healthy and happy Easter, Full of joy, hope and love, as well as all the best in your professional and private life, the WObit team wishes you.


Wesołych Świąt Wielkanocnych!

Have a healthy and happy Easter,

full of joy, hope and love,

and all the success in your professional and private life

wishes the WObit team.


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Systems for the implementation of linear displacements and precise positioning
Systems for the implementation of linear displacements and precise positioning

Read what characterizes MLA linear modules, which are a complete solution for the implementation of precise linear displacements.

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New magnetic encoder for the railway industry
New magnetic encoder for the railway industry

In the WObit offer is available a new ME 52 RR magnetic encoder from Dunkermotoren. The new encoder meets the requirements of the railway industry following the EN 50155 standard.

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