Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

WObit shared its expert knowledge about the competences of the future

What digital and IT competencies will be key in future jobs? An expert from WObit shared his knowledge with the participants of the panel organized by Czas Zawodowcy.


WObit podzielił się ekspercką wiedzą o kompetencjach przyszłości

The organizers of the BIS Professionals - Professional Wielkopolska project, the participant of which is the WObit company, prepared an attractive offer of meetings with experts during remote panels during the holidays.

In the fifth panel entitled Digital and IT competences as key competences in the future. Which of them are worth investing in? Przemysław Degórski - Development Director at WObit took part. Together with representatives of Volkswagen Poznań and MAHLE, he shared with the participants of the event important tips on professional development.

The organizers have announced that the materials will be available online for those who failed to participate in the panels. In September it will be possible to see, among others with the tips of a WObit expert.

About the project

The project Time of professionals BIS - professional Wielkopolska is launched as part of the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Program 2014+ and will be implemented by the end of 2022 by the Self-Government of the Wielkopolska Region (Department of Education and Science of the Marshal's Office of the Wielkopolska Region) and the Poznań University of Technology in cooperation with interested local governments, employers and schools vocational educators from the Greater Poland Voivodeship.

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