Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

Control Stom 2019


Control Stom 2019

We started the spring intensively - three days of meetings during the industrial control Control Stom in Kielce. At the WObit stand we presented a wide range of measuring devices and sensors .

The demo FlexiForce pressure sensors enjoyed great interest among both adults and children. Those willing could test their reflexes and perceptiveness by taking part in a seemingly simple game.

Customers looking for solutions in the field of quality control and very precise measurements have become very familiar with the with color sensors, confocal sensors , laser scanner and an X-Frame system consisting of two optical micrometers from Micro-Epsilon.

Demonstrated at the stand measuring devices , drivers and encoders produced by WObit fascinated visitors.

Thank you for being there with us.


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