Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

Shoulder to shoulder with the robot

Last week, a team of robotics enthusiasts from the WObit company conducted workshops for participants of the semi-colonies at the School Bursa in Pniewy. Participants built a hydraulic robot arm.


Ramię w ramię z robotem

The adventure with robots and technology is worth starting as soon as possible. Therefore, WObit often organizes various educational activities not only for young people and students, but also for primary school students.

Last week, a team of robotics enthusiasts from WObit conducted workshops for participants of half-colonies in School Bursa in Pniewy. During a two-hour children's training, they got acquainted with the activity industrial robots , and then with the help of the guardian's advice they built a hydraulic robot arm.

Independent performance, a seemingly difficult project has caused a lot of satisfaction and joy to both the participants and the host. Perhaps robotic workshops will be an inspiration for further development for small engineers.


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