Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

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Proste i niezawodne pomiary rolek

Simple and reliable measurements of rolls


In the production of paper, printing or the production of metal sheets, it is necessary to properly position the rollers and the use of rolls without defects. The NPAT system is dedicated to this type of application.

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Efektywne systemy przemieszczeń liniowych

Effective linear displacement systems


In order to reduce the time-consuming process of designing and building the machine from scratch, it is worth following a comprehensive solution which are the line modules of the WObit company. AND

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SCADA PcVue do efektywnego zarządzania

SCADA PcVue for effective management


The main challenge for the industry is to guarantee the constant quality and security of production processes. WObit proposes a PcVue SCADA system for these purposes.

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Wiroprądowy system kontroli grubości blachy

Rapid current sheet thickness control system


Eddy current sensors are a solution for precise measurements of displacement, distance and position of conducting objects in difficult industrial conditions.

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13 faktów, które zawsze chciałeś wiedzieć o silnikach krokowych

13 facts that you always wanted to know about stepper motors


Stepper motors, although commonly used, still hide their secrets from many people. In a short article, we answer 13 questions, which most often intrude their users.

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Serwonapędy Kinco napędzają produkcję

The Kinco servo drives make production


In industry, more and more clearly saw the trend to produce faster, better and, of course, cheaper. The servo drives used in a variety of applications are growing in popularity

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Pomiar grubości materiału

Measurement of the thickness of the material


Thickness measurements using triangulation sensors have a wide application area. The WObit company proposes the implementation of Micro-Epsilon sensors.

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Czujniki konfokalne Micro-Epsilon do pomiaru poziomu cieczy

Micro-Epsilon confocal sensors for measuring the liquid level


The control of quality is an extremely important part of production processes. Ă? In the case of difficult measurements, the confocal sensors supplied by Micro-Epsilon will perform perfectly well.

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