Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

SCADA PcVue for effective management

SCADA PcVue do efektywnego zarządzania

The main challenge for the industry is to guarantee the constant quality and security of production processes. This requires a fully integrated solution that will increase the efficiency of production, quality of the product, ensure its traceability and compliance with international standards. WObit proposes a system SCADA PcVue to implement these goals.

SCADA software is responsible for supervising the course of production processes. The latest version of PcVue 11.1 is equipped with three tools allowing shortening the time of application configuration: Application Architect for creating templates, Application Exporter, which supports diagnostic operations by displaying the data flow within PcVue , as well as between SCADA and external components, as well as Smart Generator for importing data from external sources. This allows you to automatically generate applications, synchronize configuration data and eliminate errors in a single step.

PcVue 11. 1 has a user-friendly environment, a set of built-in animations and browsers, object libraries, which makes it quick and simple development of the project through on-line configuration.

The software supports features such as animated 3D objects or built-in GEO Maps, ensuring more efficient operator work.

PcVue supports a very wide range of communication standards, including built-in controllers for the industry and machine manufacturers (about 200 new and older protocols), building management systems (LNS, BACnet, SNMP), power generation, T & D and energy systems (IECS, DNP3), water purification and distribution systems ( available most telemetric protocols).

The platform is equipped with all necessary tools for obtaining data, creating statistics and reports. PcVue saves data to the database on the SQL server with embedded data server, available for short-term, long-term and reporting. Statistical data can be exported to Excel using the built-in DataExport module. In order to create complex reports, PcVue can connect to the DreamReport software.

The system is designed to support multi-user architecture, provides high scalability of system solutions and their flexible implementation. SCADA PcVue has inbuilt internal message mechanisms, it also provides redundancy for key applications that can be easily configured using the network wizard. PcVue has an advanced access protection system that enables assigning individual privileges to each user.

The software can be operated with the help of mobile devices: thanks to which it is possible to access data from a smartphone or tablet (only with Windows). It is also possible to configure online, thanks to which you can change the parameters without interrupting the system.


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