Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

A class of its own: confocal controller for industrial series applications

The confocalDT IFD2411 confocal measurement system combines the smallest design and highest performance with integrated industrial Ethernet.


Klasa sama w sobie: kontroler konfokalny do przemysłowych zastosowań seryjnych

The new confocalDT IFD2411is optimized for serial applications industrial. It is supplied as a complete system and is factory calibrated for sensors with measuring ranges of 1, 2, 3 or 6 mm.

The controller can be easily integrated into the control cabinet via integrated DIN rail mounting.

With a measurement frequency of up to 8 kHz and a resolution of up to 12 nm, /a> offers maximum versatility for distance and thickness measurements, e.g. in mechanical engineering as well as glass and smartphone production.

The built-in Industrial Ethernet (EtherCAT) interface integrates a powerful sensor system directly into the PLC.


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