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WObit's good practices are once again distinguished in the prestigious CSR report

As many as eight good practices of WObit have been distinguished in the report "Responsible Business in Poland. Good Practices. This is the 21st edition of the prestigious Responsible Business Forum report.


Dobre praktyki WObit po raz kolejny wyróżnione w prestiżowym raporcie CSR

As many as eight good practices by WObithave been distinguished in the report "Responsible business in Poland. Good Practices. This is the 21st edition of the prestigious Responsible Business Forum report, which presents the activity of Polish companies in the field of pro-social activities.

The premiere of the FOB report took place on April 17 at the Central House of Technology in Warsaw. The event was accompanied by discussion panel about the challenges and tensions related to the implementation of environmental and social goals by business.

This year's edition featured a record number of 1,705 good practices submitted by 272 companies. Most of them - as many as 477 - concerned social involvement and development of the local community. The second largest area was the area of ​​work placements (419 activities). In third place was the environmental area with 360 practices. The largest, almost threefold increase was recorded in the area of ​​human rights, to which 282 practices were qualified.

The WObit company has once again shown that social responsibility has many names, which was reflected in the diversity of our activities. WObit's good practices included in the report are:

The report “Responsible business in Poland. Good practices” is the most important cyclical publication of the Responsible Business Forum, published since 2002. The report is an overview of the activities of companies that reported their CSR activities, and summarizes the most important issues related to responsible business in a given year in Poland. The introductory part contains articles and comments by experts. A permanent element of the publication is also a review of selected press articles and a calendar of events related to CSR.

The entire report is available free of charge at< /a>.




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