Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

Gaszyn Challenge


Gaszyn Challenge

At the end of summer 2022, we were nominated by colleagues from Karl Knauer for the challenge - Gaszyn Challenge! This time we gathered our strength to help Patricia, who is fighting cancer. ->CLICK<-

Our task was to perform squats / push-ups, but we decided to respond to this challenge a little differently… we played a charity volleyball match, because the spirit of WObit revolves around this discipline. One Friday afternoon we fundraised and had a blast! We also went a step further - for two weeks we collected prizes to end it with a lottery and the funds obtained from it were credited to Patrycja's account. The team reached the heights of creativity, because the prizes to be won included, among others, additional days of holiday leave, a jar of fresh air, a second breakfast for work prepared by one of our directors, home-made preserves, sharing of skills - such as tennis lessons or organization of a cheap holiday, as well as… 4 kg of carp for Christmas!

During this campaign, we collected a total of 1150 zlotys and 12 groszy. We cordially encourage you to help!

We wish you health and we keep our fingers crossed!


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