Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

Get to know your future work environment - automation specialists and mechatronics from Białystok at WObit

Last Wednesday, the WObit company hosted students of classes in the profession of automation technician and mechatronic technician from the Vocational School Complex No. 2 in Białystok.


Poznaj swoje przyszłe środowisko pracy – białostoccy automatycy i mechatronicy w firmie WObit

Last Wednesday, the WObit company hosted students of classes in the profession of automation technician and mechatronic technician from the Vocational School Complex No. 2 in Białystok. This facility implements a project in the field of vocational training of young people for the competitiveness of the Podlasie economy. The soft part of this project emphasizes increasing the level of vocational education and shaping the competencies of students and teachers of ZSZ No. 2 along with adaptation to the expectations and needs of the regional labor market, and it is this goal that WObit decided to support.

The development director Przemysław Degórski welcomed a large group of students together with teachers and the head of practical training, Wiesław Kalinowski, in front of the entrance to the building. Then the guests, divided into smaller teams, were invited to participate in workshops and on a tour of the company.

During the lectures, young people had the opportunity to learn about legal issues, incl. with business secrets, anonymity on the Internet and other aspects of the industrial sector, and labor law.

The students also learned how important quality is at all levels in the company, is Kaizen a Japanese dish or maybe a business strategy? How to "embrace" according to 5S? They got acquainted with the methods and tools for effective quality management and had the opportunity to use the acquired theoretical knowledge during workshop tasks.

During the tour around the company, the guests saw how industrial robots are manufactured and tested, including MOBOT® mobile robots, as well as mechatronic systems produced by WObit. Electronic production and navigation in the work of our mobile robots aroused particular interest among young people. They were also very eager to check the effectiveness of the security system. They were curious to learn about the robot programming environment.

The meeting ended with a summary, handing over small gifts and emphasizing the importance of passion and commitment in their further professional career. We trust that the goal of acquainting students with the potential future work environment, introducing the labor market related to the choice of the mechatronics and automation profession, as well as showing what a workplace based on the production of products in the spirit of Industry 4.0 looks like has been achieved.

As Henry Adams said, “The teacher is rubbing against eternity. He can never tell where his influence ends. ”Therefore, playing this role for a moment, the members of the team happily left a part of themselves, their knowledge and experience in young people, believing that this meeting will bear fruit in the future of successes of Białystok youth.


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