Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

The MOBOT® family of mobile robots with the Brand Wielkopolska certificate

The WObit company received the Wielkopolska Brand Certificate for the MOBOT® family of mobile robots used to automate internal transport and logistics.


Rodzina robotów mobilnych MOBOT® z certyfikatem Marka Wielkopolska

The WObit company received the Wielkopolska Brand Certificate for the MOBOT® family of mobile robots used to automate internal transport and logistics. Thus, the family business from Dęborzyce was among the leaders who are the showcase of the region in the world.

The awarded MOBOT® family of mobile robots currently consists of more than 11 different models with payloads from 100 to 1800 kg. The robots are battery-powered and can work from 8 to 12 hours on a single charge. Most of them use the natural, autonomous LMS navigation for orientation in space. Therefore, they do not require external infrastructure, and they move without collisions along the designated route.

Their most common tasks include the automatic transport of semi-finished products at various stages of production, from pre-treatment, through assembly, testing, to the receipt of the finished product.

The Brand Wielkopolska certificate was awarded by the Certification Committee established by the voivodeship board. In addition to WObit, the products of enterprises were awarded Mipama E.Z. Szafarz sp. j., Complet Chmielewscy sp. j., Semco sp. z o.o. sp. kom., NGK Pharma sp. z o.o., oraz. Fabryka Maszyn Spożywczych SPOMASZ Pleszew S.A.

The Brand Wielkopolska certificate is a distinction for companies successfully operating on foreign markets. Certified enterprises will be able to conduct activities under the Wielkopolska brand and will be promoted during the exhibition and fair events organized by the Wielkopolska Province. It is also an appreciation of entities that influence the development and promotion of Wielkopolska in the world with their activities.




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