Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

White light interferometer with a measuring range of 2.1 mm and sub-nanometer resolution

The WObit offer includes a new IMS5600-DS white light interferometer from Micro-Epsilon that allows distance and displacement measurement with a resolution of <30 pm in the range up to 2.1 mm.


Interferometr światła białego o zakresie pomiarowym 2,1 mm i subnanometrowej rozdzielczości

The WObit offer includes a new IMS5600-DS white light interferometer from Micro-Epsilon. Designed to carry out static and dynamic measurements requiring the highest precision, it can be used, among others in the production of electronics and semiconductors. It enables distance and displacement measurements with a resolution <30 pm in the range up to 2.1 mm.

The IMS5600-DS provides sub-nanometer resolution even with a large offset value to the measuring range. Due to the interferometric measuring principle, it is compatible with various types of surfaces, so the IMS5600-DS can be used to precisely measure distances to metallic, plastic and glass surfaces.

The controller in the IMS5600-DS model can be mounted on a DIN rail in control cabinets and provides a very high accuracy of measurement due to the use of active temperature compensation and passive cooling. It works with a frequency adjustable from 100 Hz to 6 kHz. Includes 4… 20 mA / 0… 10 V analog output as well as Ethernet, EtherCAT and RS422 interfaces.

Other features of the IMS5600-DS:

- possibility of configuration from the level of a web browser without the need to install additional software,

- flexible optical cable up to 10 m long between the sensor and the controller,

- sensor and optical cable adapted to carry out measurements also in a vacuum and in clean zones,

- built-in laser remote control to facilitate precise sensor mounting.


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