Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

High-resolution laser 2D / 3D profile scanners for dynamic measuring tasks


Wysokiej rozdzielczości laserowe skanery profilu 2D/3D do dynamicznych zadań pomiarowych

scanCONTROL laser scanners belongs to the most efficient profile sensors in terms of size, accuracy and speed of measurement. The new scanCONTROL 30xx scanners with a blue laser line are available with a measuring range of 25 and 50 mm (along the laser / X axis). Provide calibrated 2D profile data with almost 5.5 million points per second and generate 2048 measurement points per profile. The scanCONTROL 3060-25 / BL models achieve a resolution of nearly 12 Âμm in the X axis. Due to the profile frequencies up to 10 kHz, the new laser profile scanners are particularly suitable for fast processes.

Thanks to the innovative High Dynamic Range mode, the sensor generates precise measurement results even on inhomogeneous surfaces. The output data of the determined values ​​are sent via Ethernet or RS422. In addition, the optional scanCONTROL Gateway enables the integration of intelligent sensors in Profinet, EtherCAT or Ethernet / IP control systems.

scanCONTROL 30xx / BL is a laser scanner based on blue laser technology that offers decisive advantages in different measuring tasks compared to sensors with a red laser diode. Unlike a red laser with a longer wave, the blue-violet laser light hardly penetrates the depth of the measuring object. Especially in the case of organic materials, such as wood or semi-transparent items, an adhesive layer or plastic profiles, this effect becomes visible. The scanner clearly depicts the blue laser line even on these types of surfaces.


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