Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

Product of the Year 2018 - two prizes for WObit!

The TireScan High Speed ​​measuring system and the WPSFN angle planetary gearbox received the Product of the Year 2018 in a competition organized by Control Engineering and Injection Engineering and Maintenance.


Produkt Roku 2018 – aż dwie nagrody dla WObit!

We had to be there. On 9 April in Warsaw, after the 4.0 Industry conference, the award ceremony of the Product of the Year 2018 was held in competitions organized by the editorial teams of Control Engineering Polska and Inzynieria & Utrzymanie Ruchu.

On behalf of the WObit company, awards from the hands of Michael Majchrzak, publisher of Control Engineering Polska, were received by the Marketing Coordinator.

By votes of the readers of Control Engineering Polska magazine in the contact sensors category was awarded the High Speed TireScan measuring system.

It is used to measure the distribution of force and pressure exerted by the tire and is ideal for very fast measurements, because it records the effect of speed, motion and power of the tire at speeds up to 265 km / h.

The software module High Speed ​​TireScan ™ provides tools for a more comprehensive analysis of higher quality. As a result, the system is used to assess tire performance at high speeds, cornering performance or find emergency modes.

In the category of mechanical devices the jury and the readers of the magazine Engineering and Maintenance have chosen the WPSFN planetary gearbox as the laureate.

It is characterized by excellent stiffness and dynamics as well as quiet operation obtained thanks to the use of spiral teeth.

The outstanding product of this product is also excellent speed synchronization and incredible smoothness of motion achieved thanks to the helical teeth.

WPSFN gearbox also has a compact construction - the smallest on the market with such parameters.

The edition of the 'Product of the Year 2018' contest was already 16th organized by the 'Control Engineering Polska' magazine. Title of the Product of the Year was awarded in 19 categories, choosing a unique product from over 250 applicants. Over 150 companies took part in it, and the voices gave over 1,500 people.

In the competition organized by the journal Inzynieria & Utrzymanie Ruchu, also over 150 companies submitted over 250 products that competed in 17 categories. Votes gave nearly 1,500 readers. It was already the 14th edition of this competition.

Thank you for your vote.


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