Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation


Rodzina robotów mobilnych MOBOT® z certyfikatem Marka Wielkopolska

The MOBOT® family of mobile robots with the Brand Wielkopolska certificate


The WObit company received the Wielkopolska Brand Certificate for the MOBOT® family of mobile robots used to automate internal transport and logistics.

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Jak rekrutować zdalnie w czasie kryzysu komunikacji bezpośredniej?

How to recruit remotely during the in-person communication crisis?


A WObit expert took part in a remote panel devoted to the challenges faced by the remote recruitment process during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Firma WObit w 19. Raporcie „Odpowiedzialny biznes w Polsce 2020. Dobre praktyki”

The WObit company in the 19th Report "Responsible Business in Poland 2020. Good practices"


The Responsible Business Forum report is the biggest review of the best CSR and sustainable development practices in Poland. In the 19th edition, nearly 2,000 practices, including WObit initiatives.

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Rozlicz podatek i przekaż 1% na ratowanie osób z chorym sercem

Settle the tax and donate 1% to save people with a sick heart


By donating 1% of your tax, you will help the Foundation for the Development of Cardiac Surgery. Zbigniew Religa in the development of a family of Polish heart prostheses.

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Zapraszamy na webinar Magazyn cyfrowy: Zwiększ wydajność swojej logistyki wewnętrznej!

We invite you to the Digital Warehouse webinar: Make Your Logistics More Efficient


On Tuesday, March 16, there was a meeting with experts from WObit, ProGlove and PGS Software who presented how digital innovations can become a stimulus for the development of your company.

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Roboty mobilne MOBOT® w TVN Turbo

MOBOT® mobile robots in TVN Turbo


Can robots do this job for us? MOBOT mobile robots can certainly help us in many tasks, as the viewers of the TVN Turbo Report found out. More details in the article.

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Firma WObit Laureatem Konkursu o Nagrodę Marszałka Województwa Wielkopolskiego „i-Wielkopolska - Innowacyjni dla Wielkopolski” edycja 2020

The WObit company is the winner of the Competition for the Award of the Marshal of the Wielkopolska Region "i-Wielkopolska - Innovative for Wielkopolska" edition 2020


In this year's 13th edition of the Competition for the Award of the Marshal of the Wielkopolska Region "i-Wielkopolska - Innovative for Wielkopolska", WObit took first place in one of the six Smart Specializations for the Wielkopolska Region: Specialized logistics processes.

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Wesołych Świąt i szczęśliwego Nowego Roku 2021

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2021


For the upcoming holidays, we would like to wish you a warm and family Christmas.

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