Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

Knowledge zone

Czy osiemnastowieczne narzędzia były ergonomiczne? Sprawdziliśmy.

Have eighteenth-century tools been ergonomic? We checked.


Texcan force distribution measuring systems are perfect for ergonomic testing. We present the report from research using the GRIP system.

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Jak dobrać odpowiedni czujnik temperatury podczerwieni? 6 najważniejszych wskazówek

How to select the right infrared temperature sensor? The 6 most important tips


The article presents the most important factors that should be analyzed in order to get the right temperature sensor. 

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Jak mierzyć temperaturę bezkontaktowo?

How to measure the temperature contactless?


In the following article we will present infrared temperature sensors that provide precise results thanks to the analysis of infrared radiation emitted by the surface of the object.

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Jak oszczędzać energię w przemyśle?

How did you save energy in industry?


When looking for savings and ways to increase the energy efficiency of an enterprise, it is worth paying attention to the drives used in production machines.

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4 pytania na drodze do wyboru idealnego sprzęgła

4 questions on the way to choosing the perfect coupling


This clustered an important element of the systems, which must not only connect two assemblies, but also compensate for design errors and the operation of external conditions. Read how to choose the right clutch.

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Urządzenia pomiarowe WObit w przemyśle

WObit measuring devices in industry


In all cases where it is necessary to perform measurements and visualization of values â??â??such as temperature, strength, digital or analog signals, the use of indicators and measuring devices.

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Z miłości do robotów

Love for robots


Somewhere in the laboratory in the twentieth century, the first spark moved over the human rasa, igniting the turbulent history of industrial robots.

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Pomiar odległości na dwa sposoby

Distance measurement in two ways


When we require precision, stability and reliable measurements, it is worthwhile reaching for proven devices of the highest quality offered by the German company Micro-Epsilon.

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