Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

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MOBOT xArm – robot mobilny MOBOT® wyposażony w ramię robotyczne

MOBOT xArm - MOBOT® mobile robot equipped with a robotic arm


We present the characteristics of MOBOT® xArm, its applications and the most important benefits. Check the details.

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bMotion - szybciej, łatwiej i bezpieczniej wybierzesz odpowiedni napęd

bMotion - choose the right drive faster, easier and safer


Where is it worth using DC brush motors? How is it easier to choose the right drive? What is the bMotion platform characterized by? We invite you to read the article.

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Dlaczego dezynfekować za pomocą światła UV-C? I dlaczego warto zatrudnić do tego robota mobilnego?

Why disinfect with UV-C light? And why is it worth employing a mobile robot for this?


In this article, we explain the properties of UV-C radiation, as well as present the possibilities of using a mobile robot in the decontamination of rooms.

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Nowe rozwiązania w skanerach laserowych profilu Micro-Epsilon

New solutions in the Micro-Epsilon profile laser scanners


Increasingly, in industrial processes, accurate devices for the control of dimensions, surfaces, and thicknesses, such as profile laser scanners, are used. Discover the new possibilities of devices.

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Nowa ulga na robotyzację szansą na rozwój polskich przedsiębiorstw

A new tax relief for robotization as an opportunity for the development of Polish enterprises


With the new year 2021, entrepreneurs will have a new opportunity to obtain a return on investment in automation and robotization.

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Czujniki pojemnościowe – tam gdzie wymagana jest najwyższa precyzja pomiarów

Capacitive sensors - where the highest precision of measurements is required


What characterizes the unique design of the Micro-Epsilon capacitive sensors? What resolution and precision can be obtained? What does the modular measuring system give? Answers in the article.

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Przekładnie cykloidalne vs przekładnie planetarne – przegląd technologii

Cycloidal gears vs planetary gears - technology review


How are cycloidal and planetary gears built? What are their benefits and also in which applications should they be used? The answers can be found in the article.

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Roboty mobilne MOBOT® - wysoka jakość i bezpieczeństwo w zgodzie z normami

MOBOT® mobile robots - high quality and safety in line with standards


In today's article, we will present in accordance with what standards Polish autonomous mobile robots MOBOT® are designed and manufactured.

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