Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

Knowledge zone

Sterowanie silnikami DC w automatyce budynkowej

Control of DC motors in building automation


Building automation makes the standard equipment component become constant-current motors with control. They allow, among others for automatic opening of windows, doors or steering…

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Mechanika w ofercie WObit

Mechanics in the WObit offer


Mechanical components are the basis for the construction of machines and robots. The WObit company is aware of the role of elements such as linear guides and ball screws, offering high-quality techniques…

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Urządzenia pomiarowe firmy WObit

WObit measuring devices


Measurements are an indispensable element of many production processes. To be able to efficiently execute them, effective measuring devices are necessary. The WObit company offers a family of own production equipment…

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Moduły MLA jako podstawa konstrukcji mechatronicznych

MLA modules as the basis of mechatronic structures


In industrial automation, packaging, but also in other fields such as photography, linear motion is often used. Different types of drives, guides or screws allow you to obtain…

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Sterownik BLDC WObit

BLCD WObit driver


Brushless DC motors enjoy an increasing popularity due to their high durability and reliability, thanks to the electronically controlled commutator. Longer life expectancy is equal to…

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Nowe trendy w termowizji

New trends in thermovision


For precise control of production quality, devices that provide reliable and accurate measurements are imperative. When there is a need for a detailed measurement of the surface temperature or a specific point,…

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Polski Robot SCARA–R2

Polish Robot SCARAâ R2


SCARA robots went on sale to World markets already in 1979 and have gained enormous popularity since then. However, this technology is still not widely used, as companies that include…

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Rozmowa z Jackiem Oberem (po prawej) i Przemysławem Degórskim z firmy WObit

Interview with Jacek Oberem (on the right) and Przemyslaw DegĂłrski from WObit


We meet in the new company headquarters to which you moved a few months ago. What gave this change in terms of customer service and business development opportunities? Ă? Jacek Ober: Currently, all…

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