Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

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Nowoczesne technologie w produkcji żywności i napojów: wpływ i poprawa jakości

Modern technologies in food and beverage production: impact and quality improvement


New technologies and advanced production techniques constantly contribute to the modernization of food and beverage production. In this article we will analyze some of the latest solutions...

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Frezowanie, wiercenie i nie tylko: Wydajne przekładnie do obróbki metalu

Milling, drilling and more: Powerful gears for metalworking


Milling, drilling and cutting using cycloidal gears? This is an excellent idea. Read about their characteristics and in what processes high-performance gears are suitable.

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Czujniki surfaceCONTROL 3D – nowa jakość pomiaru

surfaceCONTROL 3D sensors – new measurement quality


Precise control of dimensions, geometry and shapes on flat surfaces is a significant challenge for many sensors. But not for the new surfaceCONTROL 3D sensor series.

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Czym jest przekładnia precyzyjna?

What is a precision gear?


What is a precision gear? What should users know to find their way in the maze of terminology? Together with Nabtesco, we are shedding some light on this topic.

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Przekładnie o higienicznej konstrukcji: Co to właściwie oznacza?

Hygienic design gears: What does it actually mean?


What is the hygienic design of the gearbox and what are its possibilities in relation to cycloidal gearboxes? We explain in the article - read!

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7 pytań o czujniki siły, na które chcesz znać odpowiedź

7 questions about force sensors that you want to know the answer to


When selecting a force sensor for an application, several important questions should be answered. In the article we present answers to the most common of them.

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Przekładnie cykloidalne: Nr 1 do obsługi i pozycjonowania

Cycloidal gears: No. 1 for handling and positioning


Cycloidal gears are the best solution for precise and dynamic movement and positioning applications.

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Jeszcze bardziej autonomiczny i wydajny

Even more autonomous and efficient


MOBOT® AGV FlatRunner MW is one of the "most-…" of the entire MOBOT® family. The strongest - can carry up to 1800 kg, the most powerful - with 4 kW drives, and now also having…

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