Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

Control Stom 2024 trade fair


Targi Control Stom 2024

On March 19-22, one of the largest industrial meetings in Europe took place in Kielce under the name Industrial Spring. Forma WObit took part in the Control StomMeasuring Technology Fair, where it presented its offer in the field of measurements.

At theWObit stand, visitors could see numerous precision sensors and measurement systems from Micro-Epsilon, including completethicknessGAUGE thickness measurement solution.

It is perfect for thickness control in the production of plates, sheets, tapes, foils and other products made of plastic, glass and metal. This measurement is also important when applying various types of coatings or pastes, as well as for detecting material defects.

We also showed laser profilometers, sensors for 3D measurements, confocal sensors for one-sided thickness measurement, MFA system for measuring LED intensity and color or eddy current sensors.

We would like to thank all visitors for their time, interesting meetings and inspiring conversations.


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