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Safe work is the basic right of every employee - World Day for Occupational Safety and Health at WObit

The WObit company celebrated the World Day for Safety and Health at Work for the 8th time. On this occasion, the team took part in rescue workshops.


Bezpieczna praca podstawowym prawem każdego pracownika – Światowy Dzień Bezpieczeństwa i Ochrony Pracy w firmie WObit

Traditionally, on April 28, WObit celebrates the World Day for Occupational Safety and Health. On the occasion of this year's celebrations, Rescue Workshops were organized for the Team, which were conducted by a qualified paramedic with extensive experience.

As part of practical exercises, the employees recalled the issues related to starting cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and carrying out basic life-saving activities until the arrival of medical services. Situations related to, among others, loss of consciousness, clearing the airways, stopping circulation, stopping hemorrhage, and many others.

Statistically, 1 in 20 people will witness a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) at some point, and up to 70% of SCA cases occur at home. It is worth noting that early CPR can double or even triple the chance of survival, and every minute without CPR and defibrillation means that the chance of survival decreases by 7-10%.

The conducted workshops refer to the motto of this year's celebrations: Safe work is the basic right of every employee.

This right stems from the decision of the International Labor Organization (ILO) taken at the International Labor Conference in 2022 to include the provision of a safe and healthy working environment among the fundamental principles and rights at work. As a result, Convention No. 155 on Safety and Health at Work and Convention No. 187 on the Promotional Framework for Safety and Health at Work were recognized as fundamental Conventions. As a result, the ILO Declaration - setting out the principles and rights contained in the ILO Constitution and the Philadelphia Declaration - contains fivecategoriesbasic principles and rights at work:

  1. ensuring freedom of association and recognizing the right to collective bargaining,
  2. elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour,
  3. effective abolition of child labour,
  4. eliminating discrimination in terms of employment and occupation,
  5. guaranteeing a safe and healthy working environment.

In addition to the workshops, the WObit team got acquainted with information on how to actively spend time during breaks from work and thus take care of your health. We recommend healthy activity to everyone and remind you that safety is the most important thing.

Source: /CIOPPortalWAR/file/96776/2023041931821&News-article-World-Security-Day-2023.pdf


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