Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

We invite you to the ITM Industry Europe 2022 fair


Zapraszamy na targi ITM Industry Europe 2022

This year's ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE fair will be traditionally held on May 31 to June 3. Our specialists will be waiting for you from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in hall 3A, stand 69.

This year, we will share with you the latest measurement techniques used in industry. Among other things, we will present a laser scannerscanCONTROL 2910for non-contact measurement of geometric quantities,confocal sensorconfocaIDT 2461iflaser triangulation sensorthat allow non-contact position and displacement measurement w aplikacjach w produkcji różnych branż.


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