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Crowd and passenger temperature control with TIM40

The Micro-Epsilon TIM40 thermal imaging camera as a functional tool for controlling the increased temperature of people in public places, such as airports, stations or shopping centers.

Kontrola temperatury tłumu i pasażerów z TIM40

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in humans and many different animal species, including camels, bats, pangolins and cattle. These viruses often cause mild to moderate respiratory diseases. Sometimes the animal strain of coronavirus infects people and spreads to the community; these include, among others: MERs-CoV, SARS-CoV and the latest SARS-CoV-2 virus.

COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS-COV-2 coronavirus has been detected in Wuhan, China. Most infected people show mild symptoms such as fever, dry cough and fatigue. However, some people, often with chronic, long-term inflammation and a low immune system, have more serious symptoms such as shortness of breath and pneumonia.

Because the infection rate is alarming, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially announced the COVID-19 pandemic on March 11, 2020. Since then, many countries have tightened travel controls to prevent the spread of the virus. One of the methods of control is to scan the body temperature of the crowd to detect those who have a high temperature.

Micro-Epsilon, a leading sensor manufacturer in Germany, recently announced the use of its TIM40 miniature thermal imaging camera for a fast, non-contact system for controlling the occurrence of elevated temperature in humans. The system includes an infrared camera and extensive software packages that can be easily installed and configured. This compact sensor can also be easily moved if required. Users can implement security measures such as password protected access to prevent unauthorized changes.

Features of the compact infrared camera TIM40

The compact thermal imaging camera TIM40 has an auto focus function, which allows users to focus on an object using the remote control. This CCTV camera with a resolution of 382 x 288 pixels has a measuring range from -20 ° C to 900 ° C with excellent temperature resolution of 0.1 ° C to detect even the slightest temperature change. TIM40 thermal imaging camera is powered from the USB port, it also has a high 80 Hz frame frequency to monitor fast and transient changes in thermal processes.

How is TIM40 used in screening for elevated temperatures?

Because TIM40 comes with a comprehensive software package with a set programming (SDK), the software can be programmed to discreetly distinguish people whose skin temperature exceeds a certain value. The camera can also be connected to an alarm system to alert operators. The visual alarm gives the opportunity to identify and isolate the designated person from his companions so that a medical examination can be carried out. The software can also be programmed to automatically take infrared snapshots when a person triggers an alarm.

Where can you use the camera TIM40 ?

This fever detection control system was initially proposed as an airport monitoring tool. It is also possible to implement the same system in shopping centers, supermarkets, banks, pharmacies and hospitals. This system can be implemented in these places to prevent a suspected person from accessing designated public places. An alternative can also be a traditional hand-held infrared temperature sensor. However, TIM40 offers the ability to remotely monitor and reduce interaction with the crowd, which further helps control the spread of the disease.

If the article interested you and you see the need for non-contact temperature control please contact our specialists. They will advise you what system will be right for your application. Contact here .


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