Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

New profile laser scanners for serial applications


Skanery laserowe profilu do aplikacji seryjnych

Automation on production lines places high demands on the sensors used there. They must be precise, compact and versatile to use. New laser scanners of the scanCONTROL 2500 profile > combine these features while maintaining a favorable price-performance ratio. They are particularly useful for automated monitoring tasks such as glue ball control or edge monitoring.

Two performance classes, COMPACT and SMART, are available for the new series of scanners.

COMPACT sensors send raw profiles. They are integrated with the client software for which many libraries are available. Operating in accordance with the international GigE Vision standard, COMPACT sensors can also be integrated with industrial image processing systems.

Settings and configuration of the SMART product series are done using Configuration Tools software without an additional computer or controller. The sensor performs up to 4 measurement programs in parallel, simultaneously providing 4 measurement results per profile. This ensures reliable measurement of angles, degrees, gaps and other parameters.

Depending on the application, it is possible to modify the sensors by using protective housings, different types of cables or by means of an interface converter.


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