Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

In what, beyond industrial activity, WObit was involved in 2019?

Social responsibility business activities are an important part of WObit's operations. We decided to sum up our commitment this year.


W co poza działalnością przemysłową angażował się WObit w 2019 roku?

Activities in the field of social responsible business are an important part of the WObit business. We decided to sum up our commitment this year.


The responsibility of WObit is education that builds the competences of pupils, students and adults. Therefore, a large part of our activities in 2019 were those related to education.

In January 2018, WObit took the patronage of the class in the profession of mechatronics technician at the School Complex E. Sczaniecka in Pniewy. Along with the first school bell, WObit employees are involved in teaching, who tirelessly share knowledge with young people while conducting vocational subjects, but also additional lectures. In the infographic below, we've collected data showing their commitment and passion to educating young mechatronics in 2019.

Students of the Pniewy School Complex have many talents and develop in various fields. For a true cooking enthusiast, we have funded a voucher for culinary workshops as part of the support of the XXII Inter-School Gastronomy Competition.

The youngest group we met and shared knowledge about robots were preschoolers. As part of Preschooler Day we visited a group called Sunflowers from the Ursuline Sisters kindergarten in Pniewy and the example of mobile robot MOBOT® AGV eRunner MW introduced them to robotics.

The engineering knowledge of the WObit team was also promoted among 62 participants of the semi-camp at the School Dormitory in Pniewy. As part of the workshop , children and adolescents got to know the world of robots better by building a hydraulic robot arm.

In addition, continuing many years of cooperation with the Poznań University of Technology, WObit specialists once again conducted guest lectures for students of this university.

WObit's knowledge and competences are not just engineering, which is why we organized a educational meeting for women raising children from the local community For Mums: In the rain of information - a word about online security, GDPR, composing a CV and a cover letter.

Support for enthusiasts and innovation

Apart from inspiring others, it is important to support those who inspire us. These are teams of students with a huge passion for action that diligently develop their knowledge and skills by implementing unique projects.

Over 8 years ago, WObit established sponsorship cooperation with the Scientific Circle of Unconventional Vehicles OFF-Road from the Wrocław University of Technology, known more broadly under the name Scorpio project. This team includes builds Mars rovers, and also implements other space exploration projects that have gained international recognition. This year, as in previous years, WObit supplied various automation and robotics components used by Scorpio designers, such as DC motors, encoders or microcontrollers.

Motor sports are a great passion of students from the PWR Racing Team from the Wrocław University of Technology and PUT Motorsport from the Poznan University of Technology. WObit shares the passion and has been supporting the development of these teams for several years, providing them with automation components, including precise sensors for the cars they build. Both teams can boast of many international successes. In 2019, the PWR Racing Team prepared an excellent RTX combustion car, and Poznań students designed and built the "Rusałka" car, with which both teams took high positions in the Formula Student competition.

In 2019, WObit established cooperation with the Scientific Circle of Automation and Robotics " Robocik "From the Wrocław University of Technology, which builds, among others underwater robots, exploring the mysterious underwater world. We delivered automation components for their PWr Diving Crew ROV 4.0 project and we were happy to track student success during the international Robo Sub competition in San Diego and ERL in La Spezia.

Congratulations on great achievements for all teams and we wish them further successes and good luck in next year's challenges.

Inspiring and integrating the local community

The headquarters of the WObit company is located among green fields and forests of the village of Dęborzyce in the commune of Pniewy in Greater Poland. Through its involvement in local ventures, WObit encourages and inspires the activity of the inhabitants of the surrounding towns.

At the beginning of 2019, the 27 final of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity took place, whose local staff also thrived in Pniewy. WObit allocated a unique gift in the form of a ticket for visiting the company and participating in robotic workshops.

During this final of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, a beautiful spectacle Anastazja took placeprepared by teachers and students of the Primary School in Pniewy.The theatrical event developing passion and competence of 150 young actors was also supported by WObit.

A healthy and active lifestyle is an important value that WObit not only promotes among its team members. In April, WObit supported the organization of the karate tournament Ostroróg Cup 2019. This sport teaches systematic work and perseverance, and also improves physical fitness.

WObit also became a partner of a unique event - I National Dance Festivalwhich took place at the end of November 2019 in Pniewy. We trusted the organizers, becoming one of the first partners of the event, which prompted other entrepreneurs to support the new initiative promoting physical activity and artistic activity through dance.

On Saturday, November 30, the Association of Volunteer Fire Brigade in Konin conducted a training for the local community in providing first aid. WObit was one of the patrons of the project " Don't be indifferent - save people's lives " that promotes prophylaxis and the ability to help in life-threatening situations.

Photo sources: own resources and:

https: //www.facebook .com / karateostrorog / photos / a.659717424130938 / 1665440240225313 /? type = 3


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