Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

Young mechatronics pay a visit to WObit

Last Wednesday, WObit hosted second-class students in the profession of a mechatronics technician and several students in the profession of an economist technician from the School Complex E. Sczaniecka in Pniewy


Młodzi mechatronicy z wizytą w firmie WObit

Last Wednesday, WObit hosted within its walls second-class students in the profession of mechatronics technician and several students in the profession of technician economist from the School Complex E. Sczaniecka in Pniewy together with their tutor, Ms Krystyna Dworczak and school teacher, Ms Elżbieta Kaszkowiak.

The meeting began in the conference room with a presentation on mechatronics and to remind young people about the opportunities offered by this direction and cooperation with WObit.

Then the guests were invited to a tour of the company, during which they had the opportunity to learn the path of the client's request for quotation and his order. They visited places where products are created, commissioned for production, and finally produced and tested.

There were questions, curiosity, a lot of laughter. The youth also prepared a surprise souvenir for one of their former teachers.

The meeting ended with a short summary in the conference room and the wish that the youth put in as much involvement as possible in their education, so that after school, as graduates, they could choose the right studies and work with passion.


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