On Thursday, October 24, the 26th Gala of the Good Design 2019 competition took place at the Institute of Industrial Design in Warsaw.. In this year's edition of the competition 7 main prizes "Good Design 2019" and 6 special prizes were awarded. Manufacturers, distributors, service providers and design studios, whose products are characterized by high quality of design, have been awarded. The mobile robot MOBOT AGV FlatRunner MW from WObit received two awards!
MOBOT has won the Good Design 2019 competition in the Work category. Przemysław Degórski - Director of Development, Production and Sales of WObit received an additional statuette for the title of Product of the Year 2019. This is a special award granted by the President of the Industrial Development Agency S.A. the most innovative product in terms of design and matching to the Polish market, implemented by a Polish company and designed by a Polish designer.
MOBOT®AGV FlatRunner MW is the largest robot in MOBOT®AGV family with a capacity of up to 1800 kg. Can autonomously move in any direction thanks to Mecanum wheels and LMS laser navigation. It carries heavy loads - pallets, large packages and undersized details - and has the ability to remotely communicate with other devices, the ability to integrate with superior systems and cooperate with people. It is a very flexible and easily adaptable solution for intralogistics, allowing without costly reconstruction of the factory to modernize production and increase the competitiveness of enterprises. It enables the implementation of just-in-time or just-in-sequence processes, important in the mass production of personalized goods.
Along with the Good Design 2019 Gala at the Institute of Industrial Design took place the vernissage of the post-competition exhibition. It presents 115 best designed products and services on the Polish market and will be available to visitors from October 25 to December 1 at the Institute of Industrial Design in Warsaw. The exhibition will be open from Tuesday to Sunday.
The Good Design Competition has been organized since 1993. It competes in products indicated by the only country, independent pattern monitoring of the market. Manufacturers, distributors, service providers and design studios are invited to the competition, whose products and services have been recommended by the Institute's experts as meeting the requirements of good design.
The aim of the competition is to award products and services characterized by high quality of design and to support their producers and distributors.