Witold Ober - passionate about automation and technology mi-part of the company WObit Witold Ober. The first headquarters was in Poznan in a tenement house in a private flat.
Start of sales of encoders and sensors co-operation allowed the company to expand its business operations
The first extensive catalog of optoelectronic transducers - the only technical documentation of this type on the Polish market. In addition to direct marketing, it is possible to contact via the Internet - WObit had a website and an email address, which was already opening the company for a whole country, and even the world
Measuring devices of own production - Kameleon counters servicing most of the offered encoders. Engineer's knowledge translated into the design and production of own devices for the encoders we already offer. This made it possible to provide customers with a comprehensive range of measurements.
The first catalog of stepper motors and controllers - A 60-page catalog of stepper motors with a description of the basic functioning of motors and microprocessor controllers of own production. It was the first and only company publication on the Polish market. From the beginning of the company's activity, a strong emphasis was put on sharing specialist knowledge, hence the catalog was on the one hand a manual and on the other a trade offer.
The development of the company resulted in the move to a new headquarters at Gruszkowa Street 4 in Poznan
Thanks to the Witold Ober initiative, WObit participates in the Experimentarium in Lodz - an event promoting automation and robotics among the youngest.
As part of the Innovative Economy Operational Program from measure 4.4 New investments with high innovation potential, in December 2009 the company signed a co-financing agreement for the implementation of the project under the name: Increase in technological and product innovation of WObit in the field of automation and robotics
It was the culmination of a prepared business plan and development activities of the company
The company's headquarters in Deborzyce has been equipped with a modern industrial park, which opened new possibilities for development