Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation


Nagroda Główna za Produkt Innowacyjny dla Logistyki, Transportu, Produkcji 2019 dla WObit!

The Main Award for an Innovative Product for Logistics, Transport, Production 2019 for WObit!


WObit received the Main Award in the Innovative Product for Logistics, Transport, Production 2019 competition for the MOBOT AGV FlatRunner MW Light mobile robot.

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Zagraliśmy o przyszłość na IV Forum Inteligentnego Rozwoju

We played for the future at the 4th Intelligent Development Forum


On November 28-29, the Fourth Intelligent Development Forum took place in Uniejów. The event was attended by 400 people - scientists, entrepreneurs including WObit and local government officials

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Dziękujemy za spotkanie podczas targów SPS – Smart Production Solutions

Thank you for meeting during SPS - Smart Production Solutions


On 26-28 November in Nuremberg the SPS trade fair was held for the 30th time. Among 1585 exhibitors there was also the WObit company, which was hosting its partner - Buehler Motor.

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Międzynarodowy sukces inicjatywy Wielkopolska Sieć Edukacyjno-Gospodarcza współtworzonej przez WObit

The international success of the Wielkopolska Educational and Economic Network initiative co-created by WObit


The Wielkopolska Education and Economic Network, in which WObit actively operates, has been recognized in the The Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards at ECKM.

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Młodzi mechatronicy z wizytą w firmie WObit

Young mechatronics pay a visit to WObit


Last Wednesday, WObit hosted second-class students in the profession of a mechatronics technician and several students in the profession of an economist technician from the School Complex E. Sczaniecka in Pniewy

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WObit na STILL Innovations Day

WObit at STILL Innovations Day


WObit took part in STILL Innovation Day, where it presented the latest mobile robot MOBOT® AGV FlatRunner MW Light.

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Dziękujemy za spotkanie na Warsaw Industry Week 2019

Thank you for meeting at Warsaw Industry Week 2019


On November 13-15 at the Warsaw Trade Fair and Congress Center PTAK Warsaw Expo in Nadarzyn near Warsaw, WObit took part in the fourth edition of the Warsaw Industry Week.

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Dwie nagrody w Konkursie Dobry Wzór dla MOBOTa firmy WObit

Two awards in the WObit MOBOT Good Competition


On Thursday, October 24, the 26th Good Design 2019 Gala Competition took place at the Institute of Industrial Design in Warsaw. The MOBOT AGV FlatRunner MW mobile robot from WObit received two awards!

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