Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation


Panel operatorski GH070E Produktem Roku 2019!

The GH070E operator panel is the Product of the Year 2019!


We are happy to share information about the award of the Product of the Year 2019 title for the GH070E operator panel in a competition organized by Control Engineering Polska.

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Specjaliści WObit podzielili się wiedzą z zakresu nowoczesnych technologii pomiarowych

WObit specialists shared their knowledge in the field of modern measuring technologies


A free seminar on displacement, color and temperature measurement took place on March 3rd at the WObit headquarters in Dęborzyce.

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Wspólna inicjatywa współpracy Gminy Pniewy, WObit i Siemens Polska na rzecz edukacji w zawodzie przyszłości

A joint initiative of cooperation between the Pniewy, WObit and Siemens Polska municipalities for education in the profession of the future


February 26 this year a meeting took place in the Pniewy Town and Commune Office, during which a tripartite Cooperation Initiative between Siemens Polska, the Pniewy Municipality and the WObit company was signed. ABOUT...

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Pamiętaj o 1% podatku, pomóż dzieciom z chorym sercem

Remember 1% tax, help children with a sick heart


By donating 1% tax you will help the Cardiac Surgery Development Foundation Zbigniew Religa in the development of a family of Polish heart prostheses.

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Weź udział w głosowaniu na Produkt Roku 2019!

Vote for the Product of the Year 2019!


We encourage you to vote for products from the WObit offer that have a chance to win the Product of the Year 2019 title.

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Robot WObit na Światowym Forum Miejskim w Abu Dhabi

WObit's robot at the World Urban Forum in Abu Dhabi


The 10th World City Forum (WUF) began in the capital of the United Arab Emirates. The WObit mobile robot is one of the innovations presented in the Polish pavilion.

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W co poza działalnością przemysłową angażował się WObit w 2019 roku?

In what, beyond industrial activity, WObit was involved in 2019?


Social responsibility business activities are an important part of WObit's operations. We decided to sum up our commitment this year.

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Wesołych Świąt i szczęśliwego Nowego Roku 2020

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2020


For the upcoming holy season, we wish you a warm and family Christmas.

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