Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation


Jakość firmy WObit została wyróżniona

The quality of WObit has been awarded


WObit has once again received the Certificate of the European Quality Distinctions and Awards System. WObit has been audited by the Greater Poland Quality Institute in Poznań for 15 years.

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STILL Polska i WObit – partnerstwo dla automatyzacji

STILL Polska and WObit - partnership for automation


Striving to create a comprehensive portfolio of AGV solutions for warehouses, STILL Polska establishes cooperation with the Polish company WObit.

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Targi Modernlog przeniesione na termin 31.08-03.09 2021 roku

Modernlog fairs has been moved to August 31 - September 3, 2021


MODERNLOG and ITM-Europe fairs were moved to the turn of August and September 2021.

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WObit – Zawodowo Odpowiedzialny Pracodawca

WObit - Professionally Responsible Employer


The WObit company was awarded the title of a Professionally Responsible Employer and Platinum Partner for its involvement in the project "Time of BIS Professionals - Professional Wielkopolska" in the years 2017-2019.

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Jak radzić sobie z wyzwaniami zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi? – WObit podzielił się dobrymi praktykami

How to deal with the challenges of human resource management? - WObit shared good practices


In the monograph entitled Challenges of modern human resource management, you will find examples of good practices of many companies, including WObit, discussed by specialists from the Poznań University of Technology.

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WObit podzielił się ekspercką wiedzą o kompetencjach przyszłości

WObit shared its expert knowledge about the competences of the future


What digital and IT competencies will be key in future jobs? An expert from WObit shared his knowledge with the participants of the panel organized by Czas Zawodowcy.

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Rozwijamy polski rynek robotyki mobilnej

We are developing the Polish mobile robotics market


- The key to development is to focus on added value. We offer advanced products that we have learned for many years - we talk to Jacek Ober and Przemysław Degórski from WObit.

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COVID-19 – Działamy bezpiecznie i jesteśmy do Państwa dyspozycji

COVID-19 - We operate safely and we are at your disposal


Due to the current global situation regarding the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic, WObit has taken a number of measures to ensure safe operation. Feel free to contact us online.

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