Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation


Otwarcie boiska do siatkówki z okazji 30-lecia firmy WObit

Opening of the volleyball court on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of WObit


On Wednesday, September 22 this year. a volleyball court was opened, created by WObit for employees on the occasion of the company's 30th anniversary. The opening was connected with the first match.

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Poznaj swoje przyszłe środowisko pracy – białostoccy automatycy i mechatronicy w firmie WObit

Get to know your future work environment - automation specialists and mechatronics from Białystok at WObit


Last Wednesday, the WObit company hosted students of classes in the profession of automation technician and mechatronic technician from the Vocational School Complex No. 2 in Białystok.

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ALVO® Ultra V-bot złotym medalistą targów Modernlog!

ALVO® Ultra V-bot is the gold medalist of the Modernlog fair!


The mobile robot for UV-C disinfection, ALVO® Ultra V-bot, was awarded in the MTP Gold Medal competition. This product is the result of cooperation between technological partners: ALVO®Medical, WObit and Luxiona.

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WObit skończył 30 lat

WObit is 30 years old


30 years ago in Poznań, Witold Ober founded the WObit company. We celebrate this jubilee with satisfaction and pride.

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Zapraszamy na targi Modernlog 2021

We invite you to the Modernlog 2021 fairs!


We invite you to visit the WObit stand during the MODERNLOG 2021 fair and to participate in numerous accompanying events.

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WObit niesie uśmiech małym pacjentom

WObit brings a smile to little patients


The WObit company supported the organization of the performance entitled "Tale of the Old Clock" for children from the Karol Jonscher Clinical Hospital in Poznań, staged by Teatr Za Jeden Uśmiech.

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30 drzew na 30 lat firmy WObit

30 trees for 30 years of WObit


The family company WObit is turning 30 this year. The celebration of this exceptional jubilee began with a  tree planting campaign.

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 Na jakie technologie stawia branża logistyczna? Zapraszamy na ITM_talks 5

What technologies is the logistics industry focusing on? We invite you to ITM_talks 5


On June 8 at 11:00 am, industry experts talked about Innovation in logistics - automation and robotization in warehouses. We invite you to watch the conversation record.

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