Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation


Drzwi otwarte w klasie Mechatronicznej w Zespole Szkół w Pniewach

Open doors in the Mechatronics class at the School of Pniewy


On Saturday, May 18, the technical school in the profession of mechatronics, patron of WObit, opened its doors for future adepts. The meeting was very popular.

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WObit nominowany do Polskiej Nagrody Inteligentnego Rozwoju 2019

WObit nominated for the Polish Intellectual Development Award 2019


We are happy to inform you that WObit received the nomination for the Polish Intelligent Development Award 2019 in the category of Innovative Technologies of the Future for the creation of the robot family MOBOT AGV. AND

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Zapraszamy na targi Modernlog 2019

We invite you to the Modernlog 2019


How to improve the efficiency of processes and process efficiency and optimize the use of company resources? We invite you to visit the WObit stand at the MODERNLOG 2019.

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Produkt Roku 2018 – aż dwie nagrody dla WObit!

Product of the Year 2018 - two prizes for WObit!


The TireScan High Speed ​​measuring system and the WPSFN angle planetary gearbox received the Product of the Year 2018 in a competition organized by Control Engineering and Injection Engineering and Maintenance.

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Control Stom 2019 – dziękujemy za spotkanie!

Control Stom 2019 - thanks for the meeting!


On March 26-28, WObit took part in the Control Stom fair in Kielce, where it presented a wide range of measuring devices and sensors.

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Oddaj głos i wybierz Produkt Roku 2018!

Vote and select Product of the Year 2018!


We would like to encourage you to put your votes on WObit products aspiring to the title of Product of the Year 2018!

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Przekaż 1% podatku i pomóż dzieciom z chorym sercem

Give 1% tax and help children with a sick heart


By giving 1% of tax you will help the Foundation for Cardiac Surgery Development Zbigniew Religa in the development of a family of Polish heart prostheses.

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Zapraszamy na targi Control Stom 2019!

We invite you to the Control Stom 2019!


On 26-28 March, the Control Stom Fair will take place in Kielce. Visit stand 58 in hall G and get acquainted with the rich offer of devices provided by WObit.

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