Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation


Dziękujemy za spotkanie na targach MODERNLOG oraz ITM Industry Europe 2024

Thank you for meeting us at the MODERNLOG and ITM Industry Europe 2024 fairs


On June 4-7, the MODERNLOG and ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE Logistics, Warehousing and Transport Fair took place in Poznań, during which WObit presented its offer.

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Firma WObit po raz 9. obchodziła Światowy Dzień Bezpieczeństwa i Ochrony Pracy

WObit celebrated the World Work Safety and Protection Day for the 9th time


Traditionally, on April 28, WObit celebrated World Work Safety and Security Day. As part of this year's celebrations, at the end of May, WObit organized a training for its team in...

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Zapraszamy na targi Modernlog i ITM Industry Europe 2024

We invite you to the Modernlog and ITM Industry Europe 2024 fairs


From June 4 to 7 this year. Poznań International Fair will become the center of the industrial and logistics industry. We invite you to visit WObit stands.

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Przedsiębiorczy Logistycy w firmie WObit

Enterprising Logisticians at WObit


On the occasion of Entrepreneurship Day, we hosted the 4th grade from the Logistics Technical Secondary School in the School Complex in Pniewy. We are glad that we could once again share our knowledge and experience.

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Wesołych Świąt Wielkanocnych!

Happy Easter!


Have a healthy and happy Easter, Full of joy, hope and love, as well as all the best in your professional and private life, the WObit team wishes you.

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Dziękujemy za spotkanie na targach Control Stom 2024

Thank you for meeting us at Control Stom 2024


WObit took part in the Control Stom fair, where it presented a wide range of sensors and measurement systems. Thank you for the meetings and inspiring conversations!

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Przemysłowa Wiosna zaczyna się w Kielcach - Zapraszamy na targi Control Stom 2024

Spring begins in Kielce - We invite you to the Control Stom 2024 fair


We invite you to visit the WObit stand during the Control Stom measurement technology fair, which will take place on March 19-22, 2024 in Kielce.

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Nagroda „i-Wielkopolska – Innowacyjni dla Wielkopolski” po raz 3 dla WObit!

The "i-Wielkopolska - Innovative for Wielkopolska" award for the 3rd time for WObit!


The MOBOT ® TRANSPORTER T15 mobile robot from WObit was the winner of the "i-Wielkopolska - Innovative for Wielkopolska" competition in the Smart Specializations for Wielkopolska category.

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