Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

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Skuteczne pomiary siły – przegląd rozwiązań

Effective force measurements - solution review


Force sensor without electronics or with built-in amplifier? In the article we present the structure and principle of operation of strain gauges and discuss the available offer and applications.

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Zalecenia dotyczące detekcji podwyższonej temperatury ciała z użyciem kamer TIM thermoIMAGER

Recommendations for detecting elevated body temperature using TIM thermoIMAGER cameras


Thermal imaging cameras allow detection of elevated body temperature, but to obtain satisfactory measurement results, use cameras with appropriate parameters.

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Kontrola temperatury tłumu i pasażerów z TIM40

Crowd and passenger temperature control with TIM40


The Micro-Epsilon TIM40 thermal imaging camera as a functional tool for controlling the increased temperature of people in public places, such as airports, stations or shopping centers.

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Bezkontaktowy pomiar różnicowy w przemyśle – zastosowane rozwiązania.

Non-contact differential measurement in industry - solutions used.


In the article we discuss the main issues that should be noted in basic material thickness tests.

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Detekcja oznaczeń na butelkach w przemyśle kosmetycznym - przykład wdrożenia

Detection of markings on bottles in the cosmetics industry - example of implementation


How to effectively control quality in the cosmetics industry? We present an example of the use of color sensors in automatic position detection.

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Sterowanie i wizualizacja procesów

Process control and visualization


PLC programmable controllers and HMI operator panels are an inseparable element of machine control systems and industrial processes, especially important in production automation.

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Jak dobrać właściwą przekładnię?

How to choose the right gear?


Use ready-made tools to choose the right transmission for your engine. In the article we describe two of them that will facilitate and speed the selection of the right gear.

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Współpracujące roboty mobilne automatyzują transport wewnętrzny

Cooperative mobile robots automate internal transport


One of the areas that should be improved is internal transport, so that it allows the necessary flexibility of the enterprise.

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