Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

Encoders for test equipment in the pharmaceutical industry

Megatron's SPTSM optoelectronic incremental encoder enables standardization of analytical procedures in laboratories. It is a reliable and easy-to-install encoder with a long service life.


Enkodery do urządzeń testowych w przemyśle farmaceutycznym

SPTSM optoelectronic incremental encoder by Megatron < /strong>enables the standardization of analytical procedures in laboratories. This also applies to a well-known laboratory technology manufacturer that has been using the encoder to drive its tablet testers for over two decades. In dissolution testers, so-called paddles rotate in a glass container filled with a liquid medium. The pH value of the liquid is adjusted to the environment occurring in the human digestive tract. The paddles keep the medium in motion until all the active ingredients of the tablet are released.

User requirements met

SPTSM encoders from Megatron record speed electric motor and monitor the mixing process of the device using 360 pulses/360°. This ensures that the mixer always runs at the same speed and that test results are comparable. The deviation in speed detection should be a maximum of ±2%. However, the encoder measures the speed of the mixer drive with a deviation of only 0.2%.

The encoders operate non-contact

SPTSM encoders operate on the principle of optoelectronic scanning, i.e. non-contact, so they are virtually wear-free. Another feature of encoders is their insensitivity to magnetic fields that often occur in laboratories and industrial plants. SPTSM is a set encoder: it does not have its own shaft, but is mounted on the shaft of the appropriate application (shaft diameter from 4 mm to 8 mm). Thanks to this special design, the encoder does not require its own bearing, which could wear out. SPTSM is also available with an integrated shaft (6 mm/6.35 mm) under the designation SPM.

Possibility to adapt to individual needs, starting from small quantities

The manufacturer, MEGATRON, offers customization of its products to a given application, starting from relatively small quantities. SPTSM has also been adapted for use in tablet testers: The contacts of the optical encoder module are factory-soldered to the wires of the connection cable. This ensures that the cables are firmly secured and prevents incorrect installation on the test equipment drive.


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