Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

SDC112 – a new, powerful controller for DC motors

WObit's offer includes a new SDC112 controller, designed for direct current (DC) motors with power up to approximately 300 W. Check the details.


SDC112 – nowy, mocny sterownik do silników DC

The WObit offer includes a new controller SDC112, designed for direct current (DC) motors with power up to approximately 300 W.

The driver allows, among others: to control the speed and direction of motor rotation and active reduction of the maximum current consumed by the motor to 12A (18A temporarily for 5 sec.)

The motor speed can be set using an external 0-5V signal or via a built-in potentiometer.

The current limit function allows you to limit the maximum current drawn by the motor and prevent it from overheating or damaging it.



SDC112 controller perfect for many industrial applications requiring precise control of DC drives. 


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