Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

The HTx25 and HTx36 series encoders now operate even more precisely

The HTx25 and HTx36 series encoders from Megatron impress with their high precision of magnetic data acquisition. Encoders now measure movements and positions even more precisely: SSI versions are available with resolution...


Enkodery z serii HTx25 i HTx36 działają teraz jeszcze precyzyjniej

The HTx25 and HTx36 series encoders from Megatron impress with their high precision of magnetic data acquisition. The encoders now measure movements and positions even more precisely: SSI versions are available with a resolution of up to 18 bits, while incremental versions will be available in the future with a resolution of up to 20,000 pulses.

With the introduction of optimized HTx models, Megatron expands the range of applications of its precision encoders. Serial HTS encoders are available with resolutions up to 18 bits (single-turn), while incremental HTI encoders are available in versions up to 20,000 pulses per revolution. The number of pulses can be factory set according to user requirements.

Encoder in an aluminum housing

All HTx encoders have a solid aluminum housing and a stainless steel shaft with dual ball bearings for high operating speeds. Thanks to gradient-based measurement, they are insensitive to temperature fluctuations and EMC influences. The manufacturer offers devices in two sizes: HTx36 with a 36-mm housing and HTx25 encoder with a 25-mm housing.

The HTx36 family is one of the most durable encoders with magnetic sensor technology produced by Megatron. They are suitable for both simple and demanding applications and have a high IP protection level up to IP67.

The HTx25 series is characterized by a compact design. It has been specially developed for applications in difficult environments with limited installation space, offers an IP protection rating of up to IP65 and is also available as a kit version for external shaft mounting. All HTx models are manufactured in Germany.

HTx encoders offer a wide range of possible applications and are adapted to the respective application from small quantities.


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