Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

Measuring system for testing displacements in warehouse halls

Institute of Innovation and Technology of the Bialystok University of Technology sp. z o.o. – The Research and Development Center uses a measurement system for monitoring the structure of buildings, developed by WObit.

System pomiarowy do badania przemieszczeń w halach magazynowych

About the Institute

Institute of Innovation and Technology of the Bialystok University of Technology sp. z o.o. – Research and Development Center, was established to build lasting cooperation between science and business. Its sole owner is the Bialystok University of Technology and this relationship allows the development of the existing niche in the area of ​​R&D.

What distinguishes the Institute from the competition is the comprehensiveness, high quality of final products and services, and the scientific nature of cooperation. Thanks to this, IIT undertakes non-standard and difficult challenges and offers services individually tailored to the needs of each client.

The variety of services provided and the wide specialization of the cooperating experts allow us to provide services of a production or implementation nature, as well as conceptual and research. Based on the innovations provided by the Institute, entrepreneurs build their competitive advantage.



Due to the increasing requirements, infrastructure structures are subject to increasing stress and must be continuously assessed for safety and service life.

In addition to loads, external factors such as wind, vibrations, ground conditions, and water conditions also have a significant impact. Under their influence, the building or its element, as well as the network of utilities, may be displaced and deformed, therefore every disturbing parameter must be captured.

Therefore, sensors are required that provide reliable information regarding load-carrying safety, serviceability and fatigue safety.



In order to supervise buildings - warehouses, WObit has developed a measurement system that allows monitoring of building structures.


Solution used

The system prepared by WObit enables the detection of any irregularities at an early stage, and also allows for service planning.

The system controls selected parameters that determine the durability and reliability of the building, e.g. displacements, deflections, deformations. The system autonomously verifies the information and saves it.


Elements of the measurement system

optoNCDT ILR2250-100 laser distance sensors were used in this application. Thanks to the integrated AUTO measurement mode, these sensors provide high measurement accuracy even on dark or poorly reflective surfaces such as masonry.

Due to the large measuring range (up to 150 m with a reflector), they measure the distance to selected points of the building walls even from a long distance. In this way, structural movements caused by external factors or loads can be quickly detected.

Distance values ​​are recorded and sent as an alarm signal in case of deviations from the limit values ​​to added users in the form of SMS messages. The application prepared especially for the customer also allows you to configure the frequency of measurement records.



The presented measurement system allows you to control and reduce the costs of building maintenance, and also ensures the safety of people staying in it.


Further plans

It is planned to extend the application with the possibility of remote viewing by logging in to the Android application.


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