Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

Faster and more robust laser distance sensor

The WObit offer includes a new optoNCDT ILR1171-125 laser distance sensor. It is used for distance measurements up to 270 m and is particularly suitable for outdoor measurements.


Szybszy i solidniejszy laserowy czujnik odległości

The WObit offer includes a new one, optoNCDT ILR1171-125 laser distance sensor. The new sensor from Micro-Epsilon is used for distance measurements up to 270 m and is particularly well suited for outdoor measurements.

The sensor offers high accuracy even in poor visibility conditions such as fog and rain. High temperature stability allows for use in temperatures from -40 °C to +60 °C.

The extremely compact design allows installation even in the smallest of spaces.

Areas of application include distance measurements for monitoring buildings, cranes and wind turbines.



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